Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Mobile application penetration testing is a type of assessment designed to identify and address vulnerabilities in Android and iOS apps that could be exploited by hackers. With millions of consumers relying on mobile applications every day to manage their most sensitive information, companies are now constrained to integrate penetration tests as an integral part of their application’s development cycle in order to protect their users’ sensitive information.

Following a proven methodology based on the OWASP standard, our Web application penetration testing services identify the most common vulnerabilities and even the most subtle business logic flaws.

Android Application Penetration Testing

Android Application Penetration Testing

Test your Android app's security.

Application Source Code Review

Dig deeper into your app's security.

application source code review
iOS Application Penetration Testing

iOS Application Penetration Testing

Test your iOS app's security.

Tests run on mobile applications, excluding mobile APIs and servers. This typically involves two types of tests:

Static analysis—involves extracting elements (both metadata and source code) and using them to perform reverse engineering on the application.

Dynamic analysis—involves finding vulnerabilities while the application is running on the device. For example, testers may attempt to bypass controls or extract data from RAM.


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